Interested in advertising on or one of the Just Tulsa social channels (like our Facebook page or Instagram account)?

Send me an email for pricing and website/social statistics.

Shoot me an email ( with your information and I’ll send you my 2017 media kit, which has my stats and pricing. What kind of information should you include in your email? Tell me your name (of course), the name of your business, what niche/industry you’re in, and what you’re looking to achieve with an advertisement or collaboration.

That will be enough information to give me a ballpark ideas of which advertising options might benefit your operation the most.

What kind of marketing and advertising does Just Tulsa offer?

The services that I currently offer range from simple social media shout-outs all the way up to long-form Facebook posts, sponsored content (blog, photo, and/or video), general and content-specific sponsorship, and even web advertising on

Keep in mind, there may only be one or two options that make sense for your specific purpose. The important part is that we figure out which ones fit that description.